HomeBudget with Sync

HomeBudget with Sync

【iPhone人気無料アプリ】HomeBudget with Syncの評価・評判、口コミ

Contact support@anishu.com, if you need help. We have no way of contacting you if you post an issue as a review.

HomeBudget is an integrated expense tracker designed to help you track your expenses, income, bills-due and account balances. It offers support for budgeting, and allows analysis of your expenses and income, including charts and graphs. Two key differentiating features of HomeBudget are:

1. Integrated set of features. The features within HomeBudget are well integrated such that a bill can become an expense (when you pay for it) and also adjust the account balance at the same time.

2. Family sync. HomeBudget includes Family Sync, an advanced feature that allows a group of devices within the household to exchange expense and income information, and work together within a single budget. Once setup, the devices sync with each other automatically over the air. Family Sync works across all features including Bills and Accounts. Please refer to the Family Sync Quick Start guide at http://www.anishu.com for information on configuring Family Sync.




HomeBudget with Syncのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 無料アプリレビュー
  • うーん…。


  • 2.0
  • hicnobu 2015年07月12日

このアプリは今月収支がヤバイ時、分割払いが出来る所が気に入っている。 Windows版が日本語化すれば、完璧になるのだが。

Poor support

Poor support

  • 3.0
  • Sidorov V. 2015年07月12日

After you bought this app they not going to answer your questions and fix bugs. But application is good.



  • 1.0
  • 山んちゅう 2015年07月12日

ホーム画面での年月日の変換がおかしく平成23年のはずが平成11年となっている。このため出費のレポートが反映されない。早く修正してほしい。でないと使えない。 iPhoneの設定で年号表記するとこのようなエラーが出ます。したがって、西暦表記することをお勧めします。 検索機能が日本語では働きません。あと受取人登録も漢字表記の場合、カナ入力機能を追加してあいうえお順にソート出来るように!