Splashtop Extended Wireless Display 2

Splashtop Extended Wireless Display 2

【iPhone人気無料アプリ】Splashtop Extended Wireless Display 2の評価・評判、口コミ

*** Please contact us at http://www.splashtop.com/support if you have problems extending your screen. The App Store does not provide a way for us to respond to user reviews. ***

Splashtop Extended Wireless Display 2 turns an iPad into a wireless second display for your computer to enhance productivity. Using the iPad as a screen extender can serve many purposes. For instance:
* Reduce desktop clutter by filling your iPad screen with widgets, folder shortcuts, IM buddy list, Skype, Twitter, Photoshop palettes, and other utility apps
* View spreadsheets across monitors so that all columns can be seen without scrolling
* Park background entertainment windows such as Netflix, Hulu, or social games (FarmVille) on the iPad while working
* Edit an HTML page on one monitor while viewing the rendered web page on the iPad
* Collaborate with others by showing them additional content on the extended iPad screen
* Play Flash movies and videos on your iPad in bed or on the couch and avoid the hassle of transferring or converting




Splashtop Extended Wireless Display 2のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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