NAVITIME TransitLondon UK journey planner for tube, bus and flight

NAVITIME TransitLondon UK journey planner for tube, bus and flight

【iPhone人気無料アプリ】NAVITIME TransitLondon UK journey planner for tube, bus and flightの評価・評判、口コミ

# Easy to check Live info on your Apple Watch
You can check Live info on your Apple Watch.
Live info of the nearest Station would be push to you automatically.

# How to plan a journey
It’s simple. If you know which stations you are going to use, tap the stations to set your origin and destination in the zoomable interactive maps. Additionally, GPS can suggest the station that is currently nearest to you (Internet connection required).

# Getting you a suitable route
To meet your needs, you can select from a number of ‘Transport methods’ including Tube, DLR, National Rail, Bus, Tram, Ferry and Plane. Then start searching by setting the time as either ‘Depart Now’ or ‘Last Service’, or set a specific departure or arriving time.

****** Features ******



NAVITIME TransitLondon UK journey planner for tube, bus and flightのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 無料アプリレビュー
  • うーん…。


  • 1.0
  • takac0125 2015年07月07日

Central lineのtottenham court roadの駅が本来はnorthen lineしか通ってないハズなのに駅が表示してあって紛らわしいので直して欲しいです。



  • 3.0
  • northendroad114 2015年07月07日

Kings Cross で使いましたが概ね使えます。が急なプラットフォーム変更には対応出来ません。料金の表示も出ないのも不便です。

Time table

Time table

  • 2.0
  • Tube tube 2015年07月07日

New time table is not reflected over one week now!