Z-Drums Pro

Z-Drums Pro

【iPhone人気無料アプリ】Z-Drums Proの評価・評判、口コミ

Z-Drums Pro is the most feature rich Drum Instrument app for iOS. Buy now and impress your friends!

- XME Inc. has created BeatPad, Hip-Hop Studio and dozens of other great apps that have been featured by Apple & iTunes all over the world. We are proud to bring you another music app that you'll love and we love to use ourselves. 

Z-Drums Pro Features: 
* Beautiful Design and Rich Functionality 
* Mastered Drum Kits and HipHop Samples
* iPad and iPhone compatible 
* Built-In TapTempo/Metronome 
* Quantized Recording Capability
* Built-In Demo Songs



Z-Drums Proのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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  • うーん…。

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