Japanese Vocabulary Learning

Japanese Vocabulary Learning

【iPhone人気無料アプリ】Japanese Vocabulary Learningの評価・評判、口コミ

- Offers more than 1500 Japanese words, which are divided into the following categories. You can learn at anytime and anywhere, so it’s very convenient:
(1) Body, (2) Food, (3) Drink, (4) Fruit, (5) Vegetable, (6) Sea Food, (7) Animal, (8) People, (9) Relationship, (10) Feeling, (11) Home, (12) Accessories

- These Japanese words are all the commonly used ones and frequently encountered in the daily life. They are the Japanese words that Japanese learner must know, and they will help you establish a good foundation of Japanese.

- Displays Japanese pinyin for the Japanese words, this will make it more easy for you to learn and make accurate Japanese pronunciation.

- There is search function. This allows you to quickly and easily search for the Japanese word which you need.

- There is practice function which enables you to test your learning progress and ability. The questions of each practice are all chosen by the computer randomly from all the classifications, so every practice is different combinations. You may choose a particular classification to practice, and you may also choose a comprehensive classification to practice.



Japanese Vocabulary Learningのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 無料アプリレビュー
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Japanese Vocabulary Learningを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!